Tool Update – Scoper v1.1.0

TL;DR – Scoper v1.1.0 adds a new Interactive Mode which is a looped console allowing you to just punch in a target and get a response. Good for quick-scoping.

Scoper v1.1.0 was released recently adding a new -i / --interactive switch. Calling this will enter you into a REPL-like loop like so:

At the [>] prompt you enter in your target, then you get the scope status. Easy as that. Saves you having to hit the up arrow. There is also remembered history, so if you need to test and it’s just a matter of hitting up, backspace, 1, and you’re there. Think of the time savings!

(Yes, I know it works this way on the terminal as well. But this lets you have it just sitting in a tmux panel or something. If I decide to add more features in the future it will be handy to have this mode.)

The next feature I plan on adding is colored output to more easily tease apart the in-scope from the rest. After that, who knows. Suggestions are welcome!

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